Monday, December 16-Thursday, December 19
8:30 AM-2:30 PM - River School/Education Bldg. - Members/friends are asked to enter through the main building during school hours.
Tuesday, December 17
9:30 AM - Women's Circle Light Breakfast/BH
10:15 AM - Women's Circle Study/library
Wednesday, December 18
7:00 PM - Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, December 19
7:00 PM - Advent Bible Study/FH & Zoom
Sunday, December 22
9:45 AM - Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM - Fourth Sunday of Advent -Christmas Joy Offering
12:15 PM -Session Meeting/FH
12:15 PM - Youth Group Surprise
Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.
Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.