Monday, January 13
9:00 AM - Quilters/FH
Wednesday, January 15
NEWSLETTER DEADLINE for February issue
1:00 PM - Congregational Care Committee Meeting/Bullock Hall
5:00 - 9:00 PM - NEW DAY Fundraiser at Jason's Deli (save the flyer to your phone!)
7:00 PM - Choir Rehearsal
Friday, January 17
7:00 PM - Beer Tasters/FH
Sunday, January 19
9:45 AM - Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM - Worship - Ordination & Installation of Elders
12:15 PM - Let’s Taco ‘Bout Stewardship
12:15 PM - Worship Committee Meeting/FH
2:00-4:00 PM - Trussell Private Event/FH
6:00 PM - MLK Service @ Greater Community Baptist Church (126 E Park Row Dr)
Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.
Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.