
Deputy Chief Caldwell's Presentation

Deputy Chief Caldwell's Contact Information: 817-459-6042 // Kris.Caldwell@arlingtontx.gov

Pre-Survey Results:

What level of trust do you have in the police department?

I mostly or fully trust them. - 77%

I might call them in an emergency situation, but I am generally distrustful of police. - 23%

I am very distrustful of them. - 0%

How well do you feel like most law enforcement officers understand the perspectives of our community?

They understand the perspectives of the community very well. - 24%

There are some community perspectives that they understand and others that they do not. - 67%

They understand very little about the perspectives of the community. - 3%

Don't know - 6%

How well do you feel like most law enforcement officers understand the needs of our community? 

They understand the needs of the community very well. - 38%

There are some community needs that they understand and others that they do not. - 60%

They understand very little about the needs of the community. - 0%

Don't know - 2%

To what extent do you support law enforcement officers’ behavior and actions in the community? 

I am very or mostly supportive of their behavior and actions. - 50%

I support some, but not all of their behavior and actions. - 50%

I am unsupportive of most or all of their behavior and actions. - 0%

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